"Asus" Launches Gaming Headset Cerberus
Launched the "Asus" Today gaming headset "Cerberus" Cerberus, which can be used with smart devices
and personal computers and mobile phones.
The company said the headset "Cerberus" has an audio source from a magnetic material Alnaodiom and large diameter 60 mm, the handset also has a new air cushions also especially large-sized diameter of 100 mm to isolate the ear from the noise completely.
The headset works "Cerberus" to provide maximum levels of quality of sound, according to the "Asus" which she designed Kzkl Ki Ttwaagaf with most modern devices currently, such as smart phones and tablet devices and personal devices, "Mac."
The new gaming headset is available from the "Asus" at a price equivalent to $ 75.
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