From " IBM " magazine cover only sees electron microscope

Managed company " IBM " to print a smaller magazine cover in the world , using the " Printer microscopic three-dimensional " combines three-dimensional printing technology and nanotechnology .

The company revealed the " IBM " in collaboration with the magazine " National Geographic Kids " National Geographic Kids on the cover of a tiny degree that it is possible to develop 2,000 units of it on a grain of salt , during the Festival of Science and Engineering of America and the U.S. capital Washington .

Cover printed in black and white .

It was recording the cover that appears in black and white in the book " Guinness " indices officially the youngest magazine cover in the world , a cover which can not be seen with the naked eye .

He says, " Colin Rawlings ," physicist at the " IBM Research ," and it is even with the use of the microscope will not see the seer , but grainy and blurry image of the cover , so the cover and to see a full and clear one needs to electron microscope .

She had used the " IBM " a special kind of nano- based printers , and other than the traditional three-dimensional printers that print objects layer-by- layer , to remove material from the body to create the desired shape .

The temperature of the top of the silicon in the printer nanotechnology to 1000 degrees Celsius and operate it on the evaporating material - in the case of the cover of the magazine, was the use of polymer material - to create indents to varying depths , and that depending on the quality of light for each pixel of the image that has been scanned.

Rawlings said the printer , which is now being used commercially McGill University in Canada , is an ideal tool for printing rapid prototyping , "The scientists located in a lot of mistakes , so the printing models quickly and accurately is an important thing ."

The printer can nanostructures that were used to print the cover accomplish paths processors future , because it is capable of printing technology up to 8 nm , compared to processors current technology uses 22 nm , such as the processor , " Port 8 " of the company , " IBM ."

Observers believe that this printer is priced at half a million dollars , opens up in front of research and commercial applications , and promotional offers such as magazine covers , and others.


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