"Google" launches its first development kit for cutting changeable phones "Ara"
The company launched "Google" the first development kit, MDK, a private project with her cutting-
modifiable, "Ara" Project Ara, a kit that provides developers an explanation of how to create the pieces forming the new smart phone.
The "Google" in the development of several components of the phone it will launch new smart basic structure of three different sizes, whether small, medium and large, that the structure comprises a larger size cut more compared to smaller structures.
She explained, "Google" in the first version, No. 0.10, for a number of development outward appearance of the various structures and the constituent parts of the phone and sizes, so as to ensure ease of development of those parts and finished products, including appropriate structures to be provided by the company.
And intends to "Google" providing parts for phones to be produced by the project under the "Ara" through a special e-store, a store which will also feature pieces that have been developed by the developers do not belong to the company.
On his part, said Paul Eremenko, one of the architects "Google" operators of the project, that the purpose of the issuance of the development of several of those at the moment is to provide an opportunity for developers to make Bagtraanhm phones and several development itself.
Eremenko added that feedback be provided by the developers will help to improve the development of several to be flexible and fully released before the launch of the final with the last months of 2014.
Plans "Google" for the establishment of several conferences for developers to introduce the project and how to develop cutting-modifiable its own, and will be the first of these conferences in America next week.
The "Google" had been retained to draft "Ara" for its development under management after the company decided to sell the phone industry, "Motorola", which embraced the project last year, to "Lenovo" match 2.91 billion U.S. dollars.
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