" Microsoft " plans to change the name " Nokia " to Microsoft Mobile Oy

Company intends to " Microsoft " rename sector portable devices which acquired him from the company " Nokia " from " Nokia or Wi J. " Nokia Oyj to " Microsoft Mobile or Wi " Microsoft Mobile Oy, according to a letter sent to suppliers .

According to the letter , which was leaked on the Internet , it will be like a fully -owned sector for " Microsoft " service sector portable devices to be produced by the last , as the company has to inform the suppliers that the terms of service contracts concluded between them and the " Nokia " will not Taatgier after the completion of the transaction .

The letter "Please be advised that, in closing the deal between Microsoft and Nokia , the name of the company or Nokia Wi- good change to become a Microsoft Mobile or Wi ."

The company " Microsoft " had announced in September / September Almasi announced the acquisition of the private sector mobile devices company " Nokia " along with a number of patents in a deal worth 7.2 billion dollars.

It is expected to be the deal, which the company said previously that it expects to be done during the first quarter of this year , however, some issues related to the deal with the bodies of anti- Asian Alagtar delay it until the end of April / April.

The " Nokia " during the last term one of the most prominent partners , " Nokia " and the sponsors of the operating system 's recent " Windows Phone " dedicated to smart phones , a market that is controlled by the operating system " Android" from " Google " and " iOS " from "Apple" .


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