Start-up company plans to launch the first atomic wristwatch

Company prepares Bathys Hawaii to produce what it described as the first real atomic wristwatch rely on
the element of " cesium 133" Cesium 133 Kmahtz .

It is noteworthy that companies like CASIO launched earlier atomic clocks , but in fact take time to receive radio signals from stations governmental includes large-scale atomic clocks .

Includes time inside the element " cesium " which vibrate 9,192,631,770 times per second Dhirth , and the amount of error this time is equivalent to one second every thousand years .

The " John Patterson " John Patterson owner of the company has announced it needs to raise an amount of 42 thousand dollars to start manufacturing operations this time , has got his way , which means the approaching arrival of this time to users who are able to afford.

It is noteworthy that the technique used in this watch is not new , but new is the use of this technique in a small space to bring the atomic clock to the user's wrist .

The benefit at this from the laser and heater tiny , and includes a gap isolated from the gas cesium , and the candidate of a microwave , and a sensitive light , any built this time based on the same principles of atomic clocks used by the " National Institute of Standards and Technology " NIST American .

The parts will be integrated within the cover time carbon lightweight , making it more accurate this time hour hand on the face of the earth , as " Patterson " .

It is expected to become ready for sale at the end of this year , and will produce a limited number of them , to be sold at a high price could be up to ten thousand dollars.


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