New innovation helps people with Parkinson's to eat with their hands

Parkinson's disease, one of the most prevalent types of movement disorders and is caused by a hitherto unknown , which causes involuntary movement of the arm and fingers and sometimes the head during the performance of other involuntary movements , which is different from Parkinson's syndrome . Suffer a lot in the Arab world and the world of this disease in the United States alone there are more than 10 million infected and certainly prevents them from doing many functions , the most important everyday eating.

Hero of the story is " Anupam Pathak" a founder of Lift Labs, in his PhD studies was his research revolves around finding ways to overcome the disease -induced physiological increase of adrenaline in the body or low blood sugar or fatigue , a condition that is chronic may spotter out all , and its impact could be catastrophic , especially on the soldiers during the battles . Funded by the U.S. Army began looking at the development of tools and solutions in the mechanical arms and military equipment to overcome these tremors .

Work began , " Anupam " heading towards another goal which is to serve people with the real with the disease , which does not affect the chemotherapy , but by only 50% , and reached his creation , which he called "Liftware" It is a spoon electronic works to balance the vibrations , instead of dampening so you do not feel the existence of user movement from the ground up ! Hired " Anupam " techniques " motion sensor " and " stability " in the cameras and smart phones to develop devised .

Base spoon rechargeable containing the sensor movement and stability in addition to the other components are working on the analysis of voluntary and involuntary movements , so that those working to promote voluntary and balancing the other going in the opposite direction.
The company works on the development of other uses for this innovation so that it can change the mobile part of any instrument other than the spoon , and it is also suitable for those suffering from Parkinson's syndrome .


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