Pilots can now see through the fog with head-up display Skylens help

Thanks to instrumentation, flying blind in bad weather isn't the problem it used to be, but pilots still suffer the unfortunate effects of spatial disorientation. Not being able to see where you're going causes people to lose their sense of balance and direction, which can sometimes lead to fatal errors -- which is why Elbit Systems has developed the Skylens heads-up display. 

Looking like a fairly hefty pair of ski goggles, Skylens overlays terrain, runway and horizon data onto the wearer's field of vision, enabling them to work out which way is up in poor-visibility conditions. Any pilots looking to get hold of the gear, however, will have to wait a while, as the hardware is currently being tested for airworthiness, but should be available at some point in 2016.

VIA GizMag
SOURCE AviationPros


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