Electric Cheetah Android MIT limit silently across campu
We saw super-fast four-legged Cheetah bot race Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a treadmill several times, but it seems that the team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is finally ready to release something. Now Sir quadruped passing the hills and valleys are not new, but it does not make the cheetah using a new algorithm, without the benefit of an engine driven hydraulic or combustion.
The algorithm that determines the amount of force bot custom high torque delivery of electric motors, which in turn controls how fast the Android operating system and how high he jumps. Using this approach based on the strength, the leopard is more stable and resilient, according to the boffins at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he can keep his balance as the rate of increase of the process.
Besides the electric motor is quiet, so instead of an exhaust protocol, you only hear the crackling of the robot feet. All this adds to the robot that can silence link through rough terrain, and even jumping over obstacles. It is not as fast as its namesake stuffed ... yet, but you can hear the creators and see the small steps in the video briefing after the first half.
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