How to make video clips from YouTube running in the background while using any other application in Android

Of course you can use any device running Android to listen to music. But when you want to use the application's official YouTube will show you some of the difficulties, simply because you will not be able to access other applications on your smartphone or tablet device. If you try, it will stop the video that you are running, which is a bit annoying, I do not know why Google omitted to solve this problem.
You undoubtedly also thought about a way to make video clips and songs on YouTube running in the background, while you work on another application or browsing the Internet. Fortunately there is a solution to achieve this desire to resolve this problem for all users of Android.
How to make video clips from YouTube running in the background while using any other application in Android.

The solution lies in the use of an application called uListen, a beautiful application removes the graphical portion of the videos you choose and offers you the sound alone, so you can enjoy your favorite songs and use other applications as and when you wish :)

As already mentioned above, it is essential that you download and install the application on your device (link down entry), or login to the Google store and you're looking for and downloaded.

After you install and open the application, you will notice that its appearance is very similar to applications, playing music and even the official YouTube application. The difference is that you can search for any song or video via the search box, of course, the application covers all of the videos on YouTube. And you need an Internet connection to gain access to it, of course.

Of course, the way the use of the application is very easy, when you find a video press it to start operating. Thus you can access any other applications while the video is running in the background. Plus can also quick access to the application through the bar Alahaarat.hma well that you can create playlists, or make video repeated endlessly, and other features that let you discover for yourself.

Paid app is undoubtedly contains a set of other options that are not available on the application Majana.lkn generally free application enough.

Link application


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