Nao humanoid robot learns pursuit of private cars

Robots have proven to be so great to drive. Android car is in the same order, but this is very different from the development of Android (Android or otherwise) driving a car designed for humans.

Robots were stylish and expensive trials DARPA robotics challenge and a difficult time trying to make it work, but for Android Aldebaran Nao is a breeze, with her ​​new baby a little (or a small robot ) Size electric BMW Z4 RobotsLab, educational robots seller based in San Francisco, California.

Naw driving the car completely independently. Or, it may be more accurate to say that the type of driving the car itself, relying on the laser rangefinder mounted under to avoid obstacles and sending commands to the robot direction.

However, the purpose of this configuration is that it is a platform that can be modified to look at (or teach) all you want, SLAM algorithms for detection based on vision and avoid obstacles. Based on the courage of BMW on the existence of the Arduino, which makes it very easy to work, and as is the case with the rest of the RobotsLab stuff, it includes standards aligned curriculum integrates perfectly in programs existing stem.

RobotsLab now the exclusive distributor in North America for the NAO, and you can get them NAO V5 change in the amount of $ 7990. Adding to the car to run you an additional $ 2000, but using the code "TechCrunchie2014 "knocks $ 2,000 of the total price, which makes the car for free. Not a bad deal, I'd say.



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