Seagate reveal a new series of storage solutions, cloud computing and institutional

Company announced Seagate specialized in sector storage solutions, announced the launch of a new range of storage solutions to meet the needs associated with the tremendous growth in the volume of data generated and consumed by companies. 

Among the products that have been unveiled a new set of solutions and cloud storage systems CSS CSS, which provides the best service and cloud infrastructure in terms of scalability, security, and efficiency around the world. 

She drew the company to estimates IDC , a market research which indicates that the total volume of all of the data generated and consumed, which is re-copied and replicated in the United States alone will reach by 2020 to 44 zettabyte, while the size of these data currently does not exceed 4, 4 zettabyte. 

The result of this massive build-up in the amount of data for various uses in the areas of cloud services, mobile devices and applications, and open source computing, and social networking. 

Revealed "Seagate" for the eighth generation of its portfolio of HDD-oriented institutions, as well as expanded memory cards of the type PCle Flash Accelerator. And an effort to strengthen its position in the provision of hard drives, and drives the situation of seamless hybrid SSHD, and drives with solid-state SSDs, solutions and external storage devices, and data recovery services, and cloud services, and cloud-integrated systems. 

The company said the solution ClusterStor 9000 is currently available in the market is one of the integrated solutions that support cluster computing systems open source Lustre, also features the flexibility and scalability and expandability. Has been designed specifically for this solution fits the high-performance computing environments and large data, where customers seek to develop plans and deploy reliable solutions that ensure maintaining maximum performance optimized for applications. 

Featuring hardware and software to backup and restore the data from the new EVault "Seagate" and addressed to the institutions currently in its ability to accommodate up to 100 terabytes of usable capacities. 

In furtherance of its portfolio diverse range of hard drives-oriented institutions HDD, revealed "Seagate" unveiled a portfolio of new eighth generation of this drive, which includes species varied from hard drives with high performance and storage capacity improved speed of 15 thousand rpm and 10 thousand cycle per minute, through to hard drives with capacities improved and that are available in a short time, and all relevant factor to configure the size of a small 2.5-inch. 

The list included hard drives new launched today the first hard drive size 2.5 inches and capacity of 2 terabytes within the category of hard drives-oriented institutions, which are available in a short period at the level of the world, and the hard drive Seagate Enterprise Performance at 15 thousand rpm, which It features enhanced performance and twice the storage capacity compared to the previous generation, in addition to the hard drive Seagate Enterprise Performance 10K rpm, which provides performance and capacity necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the storage of sensitive data and critical. 

The drives include all mission-critical technology TurboBoost improved with caching "Seagate" which have come to represent the standard for the fastest drives in the world. It also includes all the strings hard drives oriented institutions currently the latest generation of technology and associated storage media serially SAS, which is characterized by the expansion viability and provide fast performance 12 Gb / s to and from the host computer. 

Featuring all hard drives also new capabilities and storage technologies improved technology includes coding encryption self "Seagate", and the option of scanning Safe Messaging for dispensing drive easily, and technical PowerChoice to provide energy consumption when needed, in addition to the technical RAID Rebuild to ensure speed and efficiency in retrieving data for the majority of configurations and servers matrix RAID. Has been supplying hard drives these new features and technologies in order to improve the possibilities and capabilities of IT departments in enterprises to a level that allows managers to deploy effective storage systems and maintain them even in the most challenging work environments and difficult. 

This is a new generation of hard drives-oriented institutions of choice for both IT managers and creators of the solutions of cloud computing alike, where it is designed to meet the demand of the infinite on drives with high reliability, and performance of high-speed, and capacities super-sized, which enables them in turn to keep pace the tremendous growth in the size of the continuous data, which we are currently witnessing. Across TurboBoost technology with new and improved caching "Seagate", became the creators of systems today can provide their customers storage systems more productive, flexible and responsive to their needs. 

The card provides Nytro XP6302 new type of high-capacity PCle, along with a set of properties that allow them to compete strongly on the level of performance, and that the structure of the same height equivalent to half the height of the cards in its class. 

Nytro XP6302 was designed to reach the optimum storage density and increase the speed of performance in order to cope with the burdens of business high queue depth. The card Nytro XP6302 as a second expansion card Nytro XP6209, as it allows to double the storage capacity of the previous by adding new capacity of up to 1.86 terabytes, and that will meet customer demand for increased storage capacity density designs in low-level convergence and severe.


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