Tentacle MIT soft robotics can sneak in difficult situations (Video)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Laboratory (CSAIL) the development of different types of flexible robots for a period of time: You may remember the mechanical fish earlier this year that could swim like a real one. Now came to the laboratory with the same soft robot again, and this time is inspired by invertebrates, slithery octopus tentacle. Robotic "arm" CSAIL entirely in silicon using 3D printed models - "engines" even pushing forward is simply the expansion of the hollow Silicon divided into sections. Then air is pumped to the appropriate parties to the tentacle to bend, slide and squeeze through.

Researchers believe that soft robots that have the ability to move around much better than those that can be metal human environments. In the future, for example, the arm can help in the treatment of specific laboratory samples and even assist physicians in minimally invasive surgery ... but not before he teamed up to make a second copy with fingers collect items. CSAIL addition, there are many other educational institutions to develop soft robots of their own, alloy, which ran along one of the three branches that can jump like a grasshopper to love the rugged star machine sea ​​that can be undone.



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