BlackBerry BBM officially received the application for Apple and waiting to reply

According to Kinsella product manager at BlackBerry because they want to launch the Instant Messaging service on most mobile devices and also reported on his Twitter account that the application was delivered'' Blackberry C. Messenger'' exclusively to the author'' Apple'' which actuation system'' any OS '' two weeks ago, in order to preview the application and pointed out that the company is waiting for a reply by the 'Apple' to launch it immediately after approval.
Blackberry has announced earlier that it plans to launch the famous Instant Messaging application to run on the most commonly used systems.
It is noteworthy that last Monday saw the leaked video clip showing the application of the "BlackBerry Messenger," and is working on a smart phone operating operating system "Android''
Citing a source interested in Apple that the application of the company'' Blackberry C. Messenger'' author your telephones iPhone is
Similar to the application of Blackberry phones Z10  but contrasts with them in two advantages not designated by those sources.
The facebook application BBM incorporated into the application to BlackBerry phones


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