Fitbug Orb activity tracker for the budget conscious

We have seen different kinds of wearable activity trackers in the past, where among them include the Nike FuelBand as well as the Fitbit Flex. Well, those are fine and dandy, and needless to say, they obviously get the job done. However, for those of us who are hard pressed to scrounge around some extra money each month for savings, every single cent counts. And it is this particular target group that the Fitbug Orb has been aimed at, where it supposedly outclasses current activity trackers where value, wearability and personalized content are concerned. Costing less than half the amount one would pay for the likes of the Jawbone Up, Nike FuelBand and Fitbit Flex, the Fitbug Orb is said to come with a personal touch that “nudges” users to achieve their respective health goals. Costing just $49.95 each, the Fitbug Orb is the most affordable, feature and service-rich tracker on the market, where it can help expand the health tracking trend via a more reasonable pricing. Being discrete in nature, this button-sized Fitbug Orb can be worn in a variety of ways so that it will suit the occasion. You can place it on the belt, wrist, a lanyard, or have it clipped on or beneath clothing, and it will be able to get the job done by tracking the number of steps, aerobic steps/time, distance, calories burned, speed and even sleep.

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