"LG " confirms its intention to launch devices operating system "Chrome OS "

Company intends to "LG " LG launch devices running cloud " Chrome OS " Chrome OS, according to a report published by the newspaper " The Korea Herald " Korean , on Wednesday.

The spokesman said , " LG " on the research and development department in the company is working to develop devices operating operating system "Chrome OS ," according to the report pointed out .

Turning to report that all of the possibilities open to "LG" in the selection of devices that plans to develop the system of " Chrome OS " , which may be a smart phones or Tablet PCs , or personal computers .

This report comes to confirm rumors surfaced several days ago indicated the intention of "LG" launch devices operating system "Chrome OS " , and after that made ​​"LG" to the Trademark Office and the U.S. Patent , on the fifteenth of October application for registration three brands are: " Chrome Wen " ChromeOne, and " Chrome disk " ChromeDesk, and " Chrome Station " ChromeStation, all of which are allocated to related trademarks with portable computers , calculators , office , and - or Computers Tablets .

Experts believe that the reason behind the trend , " LG " Towards devices operating running "Chrome OS ", is receding market personal computers in both its mobile and desktop , stating the two companies research , " Gartner, " Gartner and " IDC " IDC earlier this month Oct. , that shipments of personal computers declined for the sixth consecutive quarter .

It is noteworthy that several companies , such as : " Samsung " and " left " and " HP " had been launched operating system powered devices "Chrome OS ."

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