Study: " HP " reveal the escalating costs of cyber crime by 78%

A company " HP " ( HP ) today announced the results of a worldwide study conducted by the Institute, " Ponemon Bnimon " ( ) , including the cost and frequency of cyber attacks and the time required to solve them continues to escalate for the fourth year in a row.

A study "the cost of cybercrime 2013" , conducted by the Institute under the auspices of the "HP" for security products companies, that the rate of cost calculated annually for the attacks , e incurred by any company ordinary American companies amounting to 11.56 million U.S. dollars, representing an increase of 78 % since the initial study 4 years ago . The study also revealed that the time it takes to find a solution for electronic attack has also increased by about 130% during the same period , with an average cost of finding a solution to a single electronic attack more than $ 1 million.

Has increased the level of complexity of cyber attacks are clearly in recent years , where the pirates allocation and sharing of information in order to keep sensitive data on and off the necessary operational functions of the company. According to the study , the sophisticated tools can the security of intelligence , such as security information and event management and intelligent network systems and massive data analysis tools that help significantly in mitigating the threats that are targeting data and the reduction of the cost of cybercrime .

One of the most important results of the study revealed :

The average cost calculated annually for electronic crimes each company 11.56 million, including between $ 1.3 million and $ 58 million . This constitutes an increase of 26 % or $ 2.6 million , which was recorded average during the year 2012 .
Subject companies per week for successful electronic attacks averaging 122 attack , and this constitutes an increase of the rate of attacks per week during the year 2012 , which was $ 102 .
The average time it takes to resolve the attack electronic 32 days , with an average cost of $ 1035769 dollars for the period , or 32 469 dollars per day , which means an increase of 55% from the average cost of which was recorded during the past year , and reached 591 780 dollars for a period of 24 days , which does it take to find a solution to the attack .
In this context, said Frank Mong , vice president and general manager of security products and solutions companies in the " HP ," The field of evolving security threats , clear and serious as cyber attacks have become more complex and more frequent and influential financial terms. He said, adding that for the fourth year in a row , was seen over the cost savings achieved by smart security tools and practices of corporate governance .
The actual cost of electronic attacks :

Produce electronic attacks with heavy cost to prevent the provision of services and extraneous files and malicious attacks based on the Internet, which represents more than 55 % of all cyber crime costs per company on an annual basis .
What continues to steal information sources represent the highest external costs , followed by business interruption . On an annual basis , information loss represents 43 % of the total external costs , which means a decrease of 2 % from what was recorded in the year 2012. While business interruption and loss of productivity accounts for 36 % of the total external costs , which means a 18 % increase from what was recorded in the year 2012.
The business recovery and detection of threats from the most expensive internal activities , during the past year, they represent 49 % of the total cost of the activities of the Interior , as embodied cash expenditures and employment , the majority of these costs.
Cybercrime costs vary according to the size of the company , except that small businesses incur a much higher cost on the person of the larger firms .
Incur companies within the areas of financial services , defense, energy and public utilities significantly higher costs due to cyber attacks of companies in the sectors of retail , hospitality and consumer products.
Security and intelligence solutions governance practices are occurring difference :

Companies that achieved the security intelligence techniques are used higher efficiency in the detection and containment of cyber attacks , to witness the cost savings averaged about $ 4 million per year, and a return on investment of 21 % for other technology groups .
Can adopt and apply governance practices security companies, including includes investing in the right resources and the appointment of director of high-level security and hiring staff includes individuals licensed or experienced , that lowers the cost of cyber crime and enables companies to provide an average of $ 1.5 million per year.
On his part, said Dr. Larry Bnimon , chairman and founder of Institute " Bnimon " , the information reflects an effective weapon in the arsenal of cybersecurity companies . And through real experiences and in - depth interviews that have been made with more than a thousand professional security expert from all over the world, the study provides the cost of cybercrime valuable insights about the causes and costs of cyber attacks . The study was conducted specifically to help companies take decisions in order to achieve more cost - effective compared to the extent possible, to the reduction of risks that threaten security .

In addition to the study, the fourth annual American companies , The Institute " Bnimon " a study of the costs of the attacks Alelkturnah companies from Australia, Germany , Japan and the United Kingdom, for the second year in a row , as this year's study included companies from France, for the first time . And among the countries covered by these studies, corporate America has the highest rate of the total costs of electronic crimes , which amounted to $ 11.6 million , while Australian companies recorded the lowest rate, which stood at $ 3.7 million . The results are available globally via decides to separate the name of " World Report on Cybercrime costs 2013."

It is important to note that the most important event of the " HP " is intended for customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa, is " HP DISCOVER " ( HP Discover ) , will be held during the period from 10 to 12 December . / December in Barcelona , Spain .

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