Study : iOS faster Toys , mobile devices prevalent in 2013

The study revealed that devices operating system " Apple iOS smart " the is the fastest growing operating systems between mobile devices operating systems in 2013.

The study carried out by the company GlobalWebIndex research that the rapid spread of the system relied on a high percentage of use of phones, " iPhone " smart from 14 percent in the first quarter of this year to 19 percent by the end of the third quarter of 2013, while the percentage of use of "Android" from 54 percent in the first quarter to 57 percent by the end of the previous quarter.

The study predicted that the number of mobile users " iPhone " with the end of the year to about 233 million users , while users of computers will increase " iPad " tablet to 165.72 million users.

The "Apple" revealed during the last few years for the new generation of devices in chains " iPhone " and " iPad " , which eliminated the unveiling of the " iPad Air " and " iPad mini screen ريتينا " and " iPhone 5 S " and " iPhone 5 C . "

This , the study pointed out that the system "Android" is still operating system is the most widely used mobile devices during 2013, despite the rapid spread of high - iOS over the past months of this year.

The study confirmed that "Android" controls 57 percent of the market with the end of the third quarter of 2013, also predicted that the number of devices operating system users to 708.9 million users by the end of this year .

In contrast, the company added research that it expects that the number of users of devices operating system " Windows Phone " to 68.26 million users by the end of 2013, more than a system of " Microsoft " The number of users of mobile "BlackBerry" , which will be numbered with the end of the year, 62.65 million users.

And faced "BlackBerry" during the last period it difficult to get a good share of the smartphone market in light of competition at the corporate level with the companies , " Samsung " and " Apple" , and the level of operating systems of systems "Android " and " IOS " In contrast, supported the " Nokia " share the operating system " Windows Phone " the launch of new phones recently fitted with tags such as " Lumia 1020 " and "Lumia 1520 " and " Lumia 1320 " .

The company GlobalWebIndex has studied based on information learned from the analysis of about 89 percent of Internet usage data in the world during the last months of 2013.


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