MakerBot Academy aims to bring 'industrial revolution' to classrooms

The President calling for a revolution during a State of the Union should be enough to make anyone's ears perk up. The launch of MakerBot Academy is said to be a response to just that, an attempt to realize President Obama's plea to "ensure that the Next Industrial Revolution in manufacturing will happen in America." The plan for such a revolution is pretty simple from where 3D printer maker stands. The company is launching a classroom curriculum and a partnership with and Autodesk aimed at bringing 3D printing to the classroom. And if it happens to come in the form of the Replicator, well, all the better for Bre Pettis and co, right? Starting today, interested parties can donate to the aforementioned crowdfunding non-profit to give students and teachers access to MakerBot's devices. The pack includes a Replicator 2, three spools of filament and MakerCare support.


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