Newly launched Smithsonian X 3D Collection offers historical models you can print at home

We've already seen first-hand that the Smithsonian has a keen interest in 3D printing and modelling, and it's now turned that interest into something of a public service with a new online collection that's just launched today. Dubbed Smithsonian X 3D, the collection not only includes a browser-based 3D viewer that lets you get up close with the objects it's already scanned -- everything from fossils to historical artifacts like the Wright Flyer -- but also lets users download the necessary files to print an actual model on your own 3D printer at home. That's all coinciding with a two-day conference of the same name that's started today, and is also being webcast on Ustream. You can start exploring the options available at the source link below.

SOURCE: Smithsonian X 3D

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