Nokia develops chanting system Windows Phone 8.1 for launchers in 2014

Started the company " Nokia " in the development of the first phones that will get the operating system " Windows Phone 8.1 ", a new system, which intends to " Microsoft " launch next year of smart phones as an alternative to a system of " Windows Phone 8" current .

The statement of account (evleaks @), on the social networking site " Twitter ", that " Nokia " is developing two phones under the names of symbolism are Goldfinger and Moneypenny, and the two devices are expected launchers in 2014, the operating system that holds the short name " Windows Phone Blue ."

He did not elaborate account , is known for his accuracy Tsribath , any information about the technical specifications of the new chanting , but that is expected to Imlka advantages of the new technology being developed that " Nokia " currently .

The phone is expected to have a new technique Goldfinger phones , " Nokia " a technique 3D Touch, which is similar to its counterpart in the Air Gestures phone " Samsung Galaxy S 4 " , where enables the user to control the phone without actually touching the screen .

This , is expected to have the operating system " Windows Phone 8.1 " , which is currently undergoing development at the " Microsoft " , features such as personal assistant Cortana, and function of multi-tasking and property , " the center of the alerts ."

Earlier reports indicated that " Microsoft " plans to support PDA Cortana the advantages of a new not available in similar services , which rely on the identification of user commands sound , such as " Google Naw " that acts as a personal assistant on the system "Android " or personal assistant " Siri " devices " Apple " smart .

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