Nokia recorded a patented folding battery

Company recorded a "Nokia" patent for a new battery for folding , a battery which is characterized by low size and thickness , which opens the way to making phones are characterized by a high degree of flexibility and light weight and thinness.

And use the " Nokia " in the new battery set of folding cells , the cells responsible for energy conservation and passed to the electronic equipment supplied .

The Finnish company explained in a patent file hers that the battery that helps to exploit the large wasted space between the internal components of the portable electronic devices , which will reduce the size of those devices.

Will benefit "Nokia " alone patent those , where you can " Samsung " take advantage of the patented flexible new battery in the smart -making organs under an agreement between the two companies.

And have the " Samsung " agreement with "Nokia" to take advantage of patents hers , and the Finnish company agreed last week to extend the Convention on the use of patents between the two companies for an additional five years beginning next year.

The " Samsung " has revealed its intention to develop more smartphones curved over the next year , that unveils first its smart folding during 2015, may benefit the South Korean company from the battery folding own company "Nokia" in making those devices.

It is noteworthy that the battery "Nokia" is not the first folding disclosed publicly , where the Professor "Keon Jae Lee" at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, invented the first battery flexible and folding without loss of energy level last year.

It is noteworthy that the " Samsung " itself has detects battery model characterized by a high degree of flexibility of liquid electrolyte used instead of steel used in conventional batteries , but they are still doing some development processes to increase the efficiency of those types of batteries that is characterized by its ability to explode.

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