PlayStation 4's live launch event begins at 11PM ET, check out the UI first

It's almost time for the PlayStation 4 to arrive. With just a few minutes left before consoles go on sale on the east coast, you should definitely check out our in-depth review if you haven't already. Once you're through with that, take a peek after the break for a nine minute video dive into the system's UI as Sony VP Eric Lempel shows off the system's menus, store, live game broadcasting features, social feeds and much more. Sure it's cutting the timing kind of close, but whether you're still on the fence, waiting for a delivery or sticking it out in line outside a local retailer, this will give a good idea of what the system can offer. Once you're done comparing it to Microsoft's demonstration from last week (and downloading the day one patch and apps), check out the Sony launch event -- the live stream starts at 11PM ET. The Ustream feed is embedded after the break, but you can also watch it on the PS3's Live Events app, DirecTV, or Spike TV.

SOURCE: PS4 UI Revealed, Live Launch Event

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