Samsung plans to launch a curved screen phone from three sides

Korean company Samsung has plans to launch the Galaxy series phones next year, with a screen on three sides , so that circumvents the main screen on either side of the device allows reading messages from the corner, and according to information posted site " Mashabl " news , citing informed sources.

Mentioned phone will use an improved version of Samsung's flexible screen known as Youm raised by Samsung in its curved - screen phone Galaxy Round, is expected to be the use of improved version of the screen in a series of S or Note phones from the company, or the phone may be offered as part of a new series .

Samsung did not specify a specific timetable for the launch of the new device , but one familiar with the subject said that the device may come to market during the second half of next year .

The report published by the agency, " Bloomberg " news had been transferred last week 's remarks on the tongue source familiar with which he stressed that "Apple" plans as well as detection of two curved - screen smart phones during the third quarter of next year. However, the same source did not reveal whether the U.S. company plans to launch the phone " iPhone 6 " , which is expected to be the next in a series of phone phones , " iPhone " , or curved screen that curved -screen phones will be the beginning of a new series of smart phones the company .

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