Sony PlayStation 4 review

Every day, a new phone. A new tablet. A new laptop that doubles as a blender -- and it has Android! Video game consoles, thankfully, aren't quite so prolific. In 18 years of PlayStation's existence, we're only just this week reaching number four -- a massive difference from the likes of Apple's iPhone or Nokia's (ridiculously populous) Lumia line. This Friday, the PlayStation brand enters the "next generation" once more with the PlayStation 4, and the world is significantly different than the last time around: HD is now standard, online multiplayer an expectation and multitasking a given.

Beyond interesting, great-looking game experiences, gamers in 2013 expect a multitalented, speedy game console that's as fast and powerful as the ever-surging wave of bleeding edge electronics that are standard in modern life. Let's find out if the PlayStation 4 lives up to our lofty expectations.


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