Technique to create an interactive surface retractable touch in the air

Detection Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan (ITRI) for technology i - Air Touch , a technique that can create a default interactive surface not to touch in the air.

The technique depends i-Air Touch user to wear special glasses to turn the vacuum in front of him to be interactive screen to touch without the need to hold in his hand both physical devices Tablet computers or smart phones .

And use special glasses , worn by the user to utilize technology i - Air Touch , camera with a new technology dubbed DDDR, which is an acronym for the phrase“defined distance with defined range”  meaning " after a specified within a specified range ."

And provide technical use of glasses to see the surface interactive without affecting the normal vision of the area surrounding the user, and can technical distinction movements of the fingers on after ranging between 11 and 12.5 inches of glasses worn by the user , and be responsible for the abolition of the surface reactive when it is used his fingers camera range .

Taiwan Institute explained that the user is able to deal with the surface using interactive technology , which will be called the short name iAT, like a touch screen , where you can watch the content and the introduction of more accurate data .

On his part, said the "Golden Tiao ," Deputy Director General of the Institute of Taiwan , for technical " It allows new possibilities for each of the computing devices wearable and mobile computing by providing the opportunity for the user to turn the air into an input device material without having to catch any device in hand."

He added , " Tiao " that such technical feature provides privacy for her employer compared to the advantage of voice commands that operate some devices wearable now , and is intended glasses smart , since the surface Interactive does not see only donned glasses , which can control to see the surface through one eye or both eyes.

It is noteworthy that Taiwan 's Industrial Technology Institute intends to provide a license to use that technology to manufacturers of electronics beginning of this year, will also provide the opportunity to use technology in medical and industrial applications .

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