Xbox Live Games with Gold 11 Month Activities, providing Gold Membership "A World of Keflings" and "Iron Brigade" Both games free download

Since Xbox Live Games with Gold popular players since its launch favorite game from sketch to masterpiece Halo 3 others have. And this month activity game is "A World of Keflings" and "Iron Brigade" two games, as long as the current owners of Xbox Live Gold membership, users can be downloaded, with Gold membership friends can not miss it. Here are the game's introduction, those who are interested can refer to.

Xbox Live Games with Gold 11 Month Game description

"A World of Keflings", estimated retail price of NT $ 330, Xbox Live Gold free download Period: 11/1 to 11/15 only.

Image from A World of Keflings huge empire to start adventure! "A World of Keflings" will lead the players to embark singularity of the environment, to help build the Kingdom of the protagonist Kefling. Players via Xbox Live Avatar the game, to help collect resources and build out Kefling eyes filled with fountains, workshops, castles and other buildings wonderful town! In this amazing adventure, players will assist Kefling complete each task, command Kefling composer, build robots, rescue the princess, make friends with the dragon and assist wacky witch becomes more tricky. Enjoy This is well-known game site Game Informer and IGN named the "fascinating strategy simulation game" and "attractive game" works.

"Iron Brigade", the estimated retail price of NT $ 330, Xbox Live Gold free download period: 11/16 to 11/30 only.

Image from Iron Brigade soon joined Legion trenches action to protect humanity from the threat of evil creatures Monovision! By the well-known game producer Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions produced, and won the well-known gaming site IGN Editors' Choice, tower defense shooter "Iron Brigade" will allow players to combine mobile firepower and stationary defenses, reversing a disadvantage on the battlefield, but also Can thousands of possible assembly adapted their trenches. Through the cooperation provided Xbox Live game modes, fighting alongside the Allies with the world.


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