'Xbox On' command powers up and logs in Xbox One in just 13 seconds

The second major console launch this year is still just over a week away, but the folks at Microsoft are showing off another feature of the Xbox One. This video demonstrates its ability to turn on and log in using only your voice (for comparison, the PS4 can be turned off with a voice command, but not on), and your face. Major Nelson's "Xbox On" command leads to a fully powered up and ready system in just 13 seconds, and that's even using Kinect's camera with facial recognition to log into his Xbox Live profile. If you prefer privacy over convenience, the Xbox's ability to listen for its hotword while in standby can be disabled (or, you can leave the microphone and camera-packing sensor unplugged entirely), but if your couch is constantly eating gamepads and remotes, maybe this is a reason to jump in at launch.

SOURCE: Major Nelson (Instagram)

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