App Store users are running iOS 7 by Apple says 74 percent

Two can play the OS statistics game, it seems. Just a couple of days after Google noted that 1.1 percent of Android devices visiting Google Play are running KitKat, Apple has revealed that 74 percent of recent App Store customers are using iOS 7. That's a healthy 10-point improvement over what we saw in October, when 64 percent were running Cupertino's newest platform. The differences in OS adoption rates aren't totally surprising, mind you. Apple is targeting a narrower pool of hardware, doesn't have to wait for third-party approvals and recently launched two new iPads that could easily boost iOS 7 adoption. Android by its nature targets a wider range of devices and software interfaces that won't always receive updates at the same time. We wouldn't expect a big spike in KitKat use until larger phone makers like HTC and Samsung throw their full weight behind Google's latest platform.


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