Nokia has abandoned Android phone / tablet plans, the future will be pushing wearable devices

Recent news about Nokia android phone constantly, but most are either hearsay or vague, far from the truth, recently we learned some news android devices from Nokia insiders, and now we work together announced that Nokia has what android equipment, whether the release, as well as Nokia's future?

We learned that Nokia has developed android phones and android devices android tablet, android phone which has a variety of configuration are relatively low, uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 400, including one named "Mountain City", in addition to Nokia developed a 7-inch android tablet by some Foxconn production prototype, Xiaolong also uses a 400 processor. Whether tablet or mobile phone, and are based on the depth of customization Nokia android system, the android UI has the Peter SkilIman responsible for the development. However, Nokia has now abandoned the android phone and tablet plans.

Why Nokia to give android phones and tablets? Insiders pointed out that the reason is not because of Microsoft's intervention. android Android devices currently affiliated with Nokia CTO sectors. The department did not placed under Microsoft, Nokia is the cornerstone of the future of the sector revival, is currently engaged in the air to absorb electromagnetic generation technology, flexible screens, graphene sensors, augmented reality technology. So Microsoft is not the reason android project was abandoned. android project was abandoned because of Nokia's competitors on the android device that much difference, the market competition is too fierce. Nokia CTO limited energy sector, will focus on the advantages of resources for research and development of wearable devices (as well as other emerging technologies), the market is only just formed, there is a great opportunity for Nokia, particularly those based on Nokia's technological strength and accumulation.

Nokia will launch what wearable recognition? Nokia already know there are smart glasses and watches. Which the project will be placed under the Microsoft smart watches after the acquisition, but the project is still in the Nokia smart glasses hands. It is reported that Nokia has already mastered the use of eye movement control glasses technology, Nokia will also support augmented reality glasses technology, currently there are a lot of work to do this project, Nokia is expected to be launched in early 2015 the first glasses.

SO, you understand, do not want Nokia and Apple, Samsung smartphones and tablets ilk in the game, he has to focus betting on a coming era of wearable devices, so we are likely in 2020 Nokia saw a revival of return, the era of smart phones and tablet has no shadow, wearable device is the mobile phone, a tablet, is everything.

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