Samsung is trying to delete the " video " combustion " Galaxy S4 " during shipping (video)

Detect a users phone " Samsung Galaxy S 4 " for a video clip showing the combustion device near the port dedicated to ship it.

The " Richard Wiegand ," a person who has published a section on the site " YouTube " , that his model " Galaxy S 4 " has been affected dramatically, and that after leaving the device for charging at night , to be surprised in the morning, the existence of the effects of burns , appeared clearly the port of shipment.

This prompted " Wiegand " to inform " Samsung " the problem that has emerged , which told him that there should be a video clip supports his claim , which prompted " Wiegand " to record a video and publish it .

The " Wiegand " several days after the publication of the first section , the lifting of a new video, in which he disclosed on the developments in his problem , and he noted that " Samsung " offered to hand him over a new device of the same type , provided his signature on a legal document pledging to delete the video clip from the site " YouTube " , in addition to his silence about the document , and waive any right to claim on the company's future.

The " Wiegand " in the second section to an incident similar to the burning of a phone " Galaxy S 4 " caused the outbreak of a fire in the " Hong Kong " , according to previous reports .

For its part , said " Samsung " site " Mashabl " I have a query for this latter problem, the company is interested in the security and safety of its users, and that the company's branch in Canada in contact with the affected user in order to investigate the problem.

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