" Samsung " : wearable devices resonates with consumers

She noted the company " Samsung " that the recent months have seen mounting consumer interest technological devices wearable , with the introduction of some devices that helped change perceptions , perceptions and made ​​these devices to connect to peripherals indispensable , as she put it .

The South Korean company said that despite the hours or smart -enabled contact was available in one form or another to the public during the past decade , the manufacturers have made ​​strenuous efforts to meet the expectations of consumers towards new age technology .

She added, " Samsung " that those hours has been subjected in the past to Arrows criticism of many who considered it a very ugly and bulky and very limited lifespan of the battery or it does not include adequate benefits . But it differed in recent months , has been mounting concern devices technological wearable comes this new change in the look of consumers to time smart , according to the company , while seeking a new means to synchronize and connect their devices different , which allows them to "freedom smart " according the label launched by some of the top companies operating in this area .

It is noteworthy that the company had recently launched at Smart " Galaxy Gear " and then announced the sale of 800,000 units of which the first two months , where would this time notice user calls , texts and e-mail messages and alerts contained so that it can accept incoming messages quickly and easily without having to phone . When users receive messages require much more than quick glance , what they have , according to the " Samsung " , only activate the feature " smart deportation " (Smart Relay) on the smartphone " Galaxy " to view the full content immediately .

It contains an internal clock on the headset to make calls freely of time directly . The feature " S Voice " (S Voice) of the " Samsung " allow consumers to formulate messages, create calendar items , and set the alarm clock and even check the status of the weather , as it is with the help feature " Mamujravr " (Memographer) and the camera accurately 1.9 megapixels , users can during mobility record videos , take pictures and share with social networks directly from their wrists .

The hour " Galaxy Gear " is available at all major retailers at a price of 1,199 AED and multiple colors include dark black , dark gray , orange , beige , golden pink, lime green .

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