"Sony is considering launching mobile system " Windows Phone "

Company is planning " Sony " Sony to launch smart phones running run " Windows Phone " , during the middle of 2014.

The report of the site "The Information", it is likely to carry the new phone , in the event of its launch , the brand " Vaio " Vaio, the company's Japanese , where the " Sony " processing several designs for a smart phone carries the brand famous .

There is no agreement yet on a final between the two sides , " Sony " and " Microsoft " , about the production of smart phones , " Sony " operating system " Windows Phone " , Council for " Microsoft " , according to the report .

The agreement - if completed - an important step of the " Sony " to reduce its dependence on the operating system "Android " which is used to provide smart phones do.

And trying to " Microsoft " to attract a number of companies to develop phones based on the operating system " Windows Phone " , including the company "ZTE" Chinese , according to the report .

And acquires the company " Nokia " Finnish the largest share in the mobile market , " Windows Phone " , by an estimated 92% , according to a new report issued by the Network Advertising " Ad Duplex ."

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