Gartner : More than one billion device "Android " will be shipped during 2014

A recent study predicted that shipped more than one billion device running "Android " during the current year

It is likely that users controlled "Android " in emerging markets to 75 % of the total use of the system, by 2017 , according to the study .

It is likely , " Raiz Etoile " , director of research at the " Gartner ," the continued growth of market handheld devices , but slower for smart phones , and faster for mobile tablets and hybrids , which became favored by many users at the expense of desktops , laptops traditional .

The study expected to be shipped Phone 1.9 billion this year , up about 5 % from last year , compared with growth of 54% in the number of shipments of tablet computers and hybrid .

The study, published by the research firm " Gartner, " Gartner that the number of devices of different types and that will be shipped this year will reach 2.5 billion units, up 7.6 % from last year .

With regard to market personal computers , predicted " Gartner " charging a total of 278 million units this year , down 7 % from last year .

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