" IDC " : Tablet PC market is still growing , but at a lower rate

A new report indicated that the market for tablet computers , which is still continuing to grow in the usual , has begun this rate of growth is slowing down . With the fourth quarter of last year, 2013 saw a global charging about 76.9 million units, compared to 60 million shipped during the same period of the previous year .

According to the research firm , " IDC " IDC which prepared the report , is still Computer Tablet " iPad " of the company "Apple" occupies the center Alsdrah , although its market share dropped to 33.8 %, while the share grew tablet devices produced by the company " Samsung " to reach to 18.8% , maintaining its position and the second , and then came the company "Amazon " by 5.8 % , then the " Asus " and " Lenovo " in the fourth and fifth , respectively , and Pencpti 5.1% , and 3.4 % .

According to recent figures from the company " IDC " that the tablet PC market is growing annually by 28.2 % .

Attributed the research firm declining share of the "Apple " of this market to the ongoing success achieved by its competitors , what caused the decrease in shipments of computers " IPad " to 26 million , during the period from the beginning of October / October until the end of December / December two years.

Regarding tablets operating running open source "Android " , the company maintained " Samsung " on the second place after that was able to charge about 14.5 million units, as the "Amazon " to ship 5.8 million units, and " Asus " shipped 3.9 million , and finally In the fifth place , the " Lenovo " ship 3.4 million units.

Analysts expect much competition among manufacturers of tablet computers during the year 2014 , after the launch of more devices that feature was worth the cheap .

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