Qualcomm processor supports " Snapdragon 805 " technology to capture ultrasound

Confirmed the company " Qualcomm " (Qualcomm) support Maaljha new " Snapdragon 805" (Snapdragon 805) for a new technology allowing it to capture frequency ultrasound (Ultra Sound) and translate them to a digital orders on smart devices .

The company unveiled the technology "Ultra Sound NotePad" that allows smart devices equipped with processors , " Qualcomm " read ultrasound issued when writing on any surface next to it.

She explained, " Qualcomm " , in a video released through its channel on the official " YouTube " , that the devices that have a processor " Snapdragon 805 new" able to recognize what the user types beside them , and without the need to touch screens .

And reviewed by the company during the video how to capture the Tablet PC processor provider " Snapdragon 805 " ultrasound minute resulting from the drawing above normal paper next to it, and convert those waves into digital drawing .

And intends to " Qualcomm " Review of the new technology , as well as the rest of the new capabilities Maaljha , during CES 2014 Technical Exhibition , to be held by the city of Las Vegas in the U.S. on the seventh day of the month of January.

It is noteworthy that " Qualcomm " had been revealed wizard " Snapdragon 805 " last November , a processor that provides support for the display resolution 4K, and has the graphics processing unit improved Adreno 420.

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