" Samsung " announces five smart cameras during "CES 2014"

A company " Samsung " on Tuesday for a five- smart cameras , and during the event the Consumer Electronics Show "CES 2014" , which are currently underway in the city of " Las Vegas " of America

These cameras have been provided to the advantage of sharing photos "Tag & Go", and that take advantage of wireless "Wi-Fi" technology and " NFC " NFC, for transferring images from the camera and sync to your smartphone or tablet computer .

And provided the " Samsung " camera "WB2200F" advanced specifications , where supported by optical sensor of the type "BSI CMOS", which provides high quality when shooting in low light places , compared with Sensors "CCD" traditional .

The camera can "WB2200F" image capture resolution of 16.4 megapixel , video recording accurately complete clarity "Full HD" at a rate of 30 frames per second , has been provided with optical zoom lens supports up to 60 times , and optical installer .

This camera supports and add memory cards of the type "SD", and transfer images via wireless "Wi-Fi" or " Bluetooth " , as is provided port "HDMI", and screen "LCD" measured 3 inches.
Image of the camera "WB2200F"

And announced , " Samsung " also from the camera "WB1100F", which has advantages similar to available in the "WB2200F", but zooms optical less , $ 35 once , and weigh less , equivalent to about 462 grams , and the sensor is lower quality , type "CCD", and accurately " HD " for recording video , the camera does not include this type of port " HDMI ".

The image of the camera "WB1100F"

And provided the " Samsung " her camera "WB350F" Sensor Light of type "BSI CMOS", allowing the camera to capture images accurately 16.3 -megapixel , and the registration of video accurately full clarity "Full HD" at a rate of 30 frames per second , and the lens is capable of optical zoom by 21 times , and the screen "LCD" touch , measuring 3 inches, this camera has a port for memory cards of the type of "micro SD", and weighing 216 grams come .

The image of the camera "WB350F"

And announced , " Samsung " as well as the camera "WB50F", which comes with sensor light -type "CCD", allowing the camera to capture images accurately 16.2 -megapixel , and the lens is capable of optical zoom by 12 times, and can this camera video recording accurately "HD" at a rate of 30 frames in the second , and contains a port for memory cards of the type of "micro SD".

Image of the camera "WB50F"

The camera comes "WB35F" specifications similar to the camera "WB50F", but a smaller screen measuring 2.7 inches , and weighing 144 grams.

Image of the camera "WB35F"

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