Samsung TV carefully review the 8K display in the exhibition CES 2014

Reviewed the company " Samsung " experimental model for the TV -type LED display is capable of accurately 8K, and that through their participation CES 2014 technical exhibition currently being held in Las
Vegas, U.S. .

The display resolution of 8K, which is also called a trade name as well as the Quad Ultra HD or QUHD, clearer by four times compared to accurately Full HD.

The model distinguishes television introduced " Samsung " screen measuring 98 inches high degree of clarity and amounted to 4320 × 7680 pixels, which is characterized by the number of pixels greater than twice the accuracy of 4K.

The company introduced the South Korean footage is registered mall to show the display resolution and high resolution , which is characterized by the television, where images of people appeared in those shots are very clear in spite of its small size compared to the total size of the footage shown .

Korean company did not explain the specific date for the launch of commercial television in the markets, where the company is still focused on the launch TVs with a display resolution of 4K, which is also known as precision UHD.

The " Samsung " revealed during the show technical for what it called the first large TV accurately UHD have a curved screen , a television which included a screen measuring 105 inches , also reviewed a wide range of TVs that work accurately 4K and in different sizes , including equipment sizes 78 , 85 and 110 inches .

The " Samsung " were not the only company that has reviewed carefully 8k devices during CES 2014, where the company revealed its part, " Sharp " for screen measuring 85 inches , with a resolution of QUHD, able to display three-dimensional scenes without the need to use special glasses .

Samsung reveal what it described as the first TV UHD accurately screen a large curved

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