The emergence of the first TV system "webOS" from " LG " in the form of a leaked

Appeared on Thursday, image leaked for the first TV system "webOS" production " LG " , to support this earlier report spoke of faith " LG " detected through the activities of the Consumer Electronics Show "CES 2014", to be held in the city of " Las Vegas " of America , this month .

Was published photo by account "evleaks @" on the micro-blogging site " Twitter ", which is known account Ptsribath minute.

And confirmed the picture what he had published an earlier report , talked about the adoption of the " LG " in Tlvazha new system of " cards " Cards, which allows users to switch between multiple applications , which appeared in the mobile phones operating system "webOS", launched by " HP " previously .

And appeared in the picture cards to run many applications , such as : " YouTube " and " Skype " and " Facebook " and " Twitter " and others.

It is noteworthy that the " LG " has acquired the operating system "webOS" in February of last year , through a deal struck with the company , " HP " HP.

The company " Palm " Palm original developer of the system "webOS", which has developed to support its mobile phones , and later moved to its ownership , " HP " , as a result of its acquisition of " Palm " in 2010 .

Earlier reports had indicated an intention to " LG " to reveal the screen , " curved " , measuring 105 inches , during "CES 2014".

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