"Apple" & " Google " are competing to acquire a manufacturer of smart hours

Management seeks Basis Science, which is a manufacturer of specialized Smart hours to monitor physical
activity to the user, to sell the company to one of the major technology companies interested in manufacturing smart devices wearable .

And the Company entered into during the past few weeks in negotiations with the "Apple" and " Google " to discuss the possibility of acquisition by one of these two companies , as likely to be entered into negotiations with other companies , such as " Samsung " and " Microsoft " , to be the value of deal less than U.S. $ 100 million , according to informed sources pointed to the site , " TechCrunch ."

The company refused to make any statement about the possibility of acquisitions , also did not confirm any of the companies contained in the report on its intention to acquire Basis Science.

The one smart watch of the company at a price of $ 199, and is characterized by sensors many able to measure vital signs are different , such as heart rate and calorie consumption , and sweating , and the number of steps , and the heat of the skin, which provides good data on the physical activity of the user, around the clock.

It is noteworthy that an earlier report spoke of the intention of the "Apple " to focus on the applications of health and fitness in the system iOS 8, a system expected to provide him her watch smart coming when put on the market , and moving many of the companies interested in devices wearable towards providing its sensors to monitor activity user and physical health , according to a report which also predicted to be sold about 90 million smart device met to wear during the year 2014 .

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