" HTC " and " Nokia " Taatouselan to settle a dispute over patents

Aid the companies " Nokia " and " HTC " to finally reach a contract settlement of disputes between the two judicial outstanding , and the two sides signed a cooperation agreement for the exchange of licenses for
patents and technology.

Agreed " HTC " under the settlement , to be paid for " Nokia " Meet the license to use patents for the latter , also offers cooperation in terms of the intellectual property rights of fourth-generation networks , " TE " LTE.

And both companies expressed their satisfaction to reach this settlement and the results, which come after the date of the litigation , and before the announcement is expected on Monday from the U.S. International Trade Commission regarding decide whether to impose a ban on the import of equipment " HTC " .

The " Nokia " had begun to take legal action against the " HTC " in 2012 , to stop the use of their own patents without a license .

Experts believe that the new agreement could help " Nokia " as well, and so the arrangement of its affairs before the acquisition is announced by her and by the company " Microsoft " on September 3 / September.

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