IBM unveils technology to provide Internet connection speeds of 400 gigabits per second

Has developed a " IBM " IBM technology allows access to high- speed connection to the Internet , ranging from 200 to 400 Gbps .

Was unveiled this technique on Wednesday during the ISSCC conference in the city, " San Francisco " of America, by researchers affiliated to the Swiss company .

The researchers pointed out that their technique relies on " analog-digital converters " ADC, which allows for data centers datacenters share data faster than the highest speed available these days by four times.

For example , this allows high -speed download 160 GB , which is equivalent to the size of the film accurately 4K, during the two-hour only a few seconds .

The researchers reviewed a model of " analog digital converter " that has been developed , which will use the company Semtech Corp in data transmission over fiber-optic long-distance and in advanced radar systems , the end of the year , is also expected to be the use of new technology in the field of space research .

The transformers will be built to be used by the company Semtech according to the 32-nanometer technology , and to allow for the nucleus of the converter to generate 128 billion Analog to Digital conversion process in the second , the consumption does not exceed 2.1 watts.

It is worth mentioning that these adapters can work with those without high speed to consume unacceptable amounts of energy , according to the researcher pointed out , " Pierre Andrea Francis ."

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