" LG " plans to add technology Optical Image Stabilizer to her upcoming LG G Pro 2

Announced the " LG " on Tuesday, it will enhance the upcoming camera smart phone " LG LG Pro 2" LG G Pro 2, which will come precisely 13 megapixel , optical image installer OIS, giving it a better and improved capabilities for photography enthusiasts .

It is noteworthy that the company had added Optical Image Stabilizer OIS This smart phone " LG Viewty 2" LG G2, and before that appeared installed in the phone " Nokia 808 Pure View " Nokia 808 PureView phone " Lumia 1020" Lumia 1020 of " Nokia " , It is expected that the company " Samsung " added to her upcoming " Galaxy S 5 " .

She said, " LG " , on its website Korean , The Technology Optical Image Stabilizer OIS , which appeared in the phone " LG Viewty 2 " will appear as well as in her " LG LG Pro 2 " , which is expected to be revealed during the exhibition Mobile World ' Em IWC 2014 "MWC 2014 end of the month .

It is noteworthy that this technique contributes to increasing the efficiency of a camera phone , from where they keep the imaging lens fixed despite the move or shake the hand of the photographer , what gives images firmer and clearer , as they allow the survival of the camera aperture open for a longer time , which allowed more light without interference , thereby improving image quality in low-light conditions . The technology allows the optical Image Stabilizer also record high-definition video " HD " in slow motion .

It should be noted that the leaks earlier , had been expected to come phone " LG LG Pro 2 " screen measured 6-inch precision full 1080p, as well as processor " Snapdragon 800" Snapdragon 800 quad-core , 3 GB of RAM, and the latest version 4.4 of the operating system "Android " .

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