Nokia unveils intelligent peripheral device to find lost belongings

A company " Nokia " for a new intelligent peripheral device , called the Treasure Tags, allows users of
phones " Lumia " Smart Track belongings lost and found.

She explained, " Nokia " The Treasure Tags peripheral device can be positioned with a keychain or bags or wallets or anything material , to ensure easy to find in case of loss .

The company said that the device is characterized by small size for easy carrying and place it with various belongings , where the thickness does not exceed 10 mm , but not exceeding 30 mm display only .

The device can connect phones Treasure Tags " Lumia " smart communications technology through NFC or near-term technology , " Bluetooth " , and is controlled in contact via a special application of the same name of the terminal device .

The user can use the application location tracking terminal device located with his belongings lost using maps , as the application launching alert the user in the event of lost contact with the terminal device .

The application works on identifying mark on maps Nokia Here, installed on the phone , " Lumia " Smart , a brand which refers to the last place of the terminal device , which helps the user to find a place of his belongings lost .

And intends to " Nokia " Ask a new smart terminal device on the market during the month of April next , four colors are black, white, yellow , cyan , and will be priced at the terminal per U.S. $ 30 .

The application can Treasure Tags connect more than one peripheral device at one time , which allows the user to specify the name of each peripheral device connected to it , and is characterized by peripheral device that holds the battery is able to hold out for a period of six months of continuous use , the battery of the type Coin Cell easy replacement.

The " Nokia " intends to provide special applications for new smart terminal apparatus Treasure Tags work with smart devices and iOS operating Regular "Android " , but it did not reveal any information about the launch date of those applications.

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