Report: 90 million intelligent device Negotiable wear will be sold during 2014

I expected one of the companies specialized market studies that are selling more than 90 million smart device met to wear during the current year , to be mostly directed to monitor the user's physical activity , and health.

And will have smart devices wearable , such as watches, glasses and even catching on very smart clothes during the year 2014 , where it will be this year's pivotal in determining the future of such devices , as confirmed " Joshua Flood ," analyst at ABI Research.

The competing hardware manufacturers smart wearable this year, among them to put different models , many designs , taking into account the battery life , which is an important factor in these devices , in addition to reducing the price of the device as much as possible .

The company suggested that up to compete in this regard to some extent companies entering immersed in it, you subtract its own and compete with large companies , hardware manufacturers wearable .

The sale is expected to be more than two million smart glasses this year, to increase the demand for them is greater during 2015 .

It is noteworthy that last year saw the launch of several devices wearable , where she launched several companies hours clever , such as " Sony " launch time Sony SmartWatch 2, and " Samsung " through time "smart Galaxy Gear ," and " Qualcomm " through time Toq .

There were several reports that there are plans to launch a new smart hours during 2014 from companies such as " Samsung " and " Apple" and ZTE and " Microsoft " and " Casio " and " Nokia " and " LG " and " Google ."

In the area of ​​smart glasses , the company launched " Google " her glasses in a limited way in the past year , to be put up for sale officially and all users during the current year .

There were reports about the intention of several companies put smart glasses during 2014 , such as " Microsoft " and " Samsung " , which is planning to launch the " Galaxy glasses " sporty design , next September .

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