Report: " Samsung " Evolution of service users understand how to deal with their

Stated that the company " Samsung " is working to develop a service that allows developers and applications to understanding more about what users are doing with their mobile , as part of its ongoing efforts aimed at
increasing its share of the software market in smart devices .

According to the website "The Anformychen " The Information, the company which is the largest manufacturer of smart phones smart in the world, the development of " Kontekst " Context, which is the name that launched a service that collects data about the nature of dealing with their users .

These data include the words that are printed , and applications that are open , and other data they use , where the company is providing this data for other applications in order to enable them to provide content and ads best suited for those users.

While some details have emerged of the new service , " Samsung " , is still unclear when the company intends to launch a " Kontekst " , but the information indicates that the " Samsung " conducting an internal dialogue about whether the service will be useful in resolving been sold.

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