Researchers develop smart glasses capable of detecting cancer cells

Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Washington developed a pair of very smart distinct from other glasses sophisticated ability to help surgeons to see and distinguish cancerous cells during
a surgical procedure .

I have been using these glasses for the first time during the first surgery was conducted on Monday at the center of " Alvin J. . Saeetman " hospital " Barnes Jewish " In the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Washington and the city of Santa Louis .

The researchers explained that it is usually difficult to see the cancer cells , even if the use of powerful microscopes . So the glasses are designed to make the process of differentiation of tumor cells that sound easier for surgeons , it may help to ensure the elimination of all these cells and do not leave any of them during surgery .

On her part, the physician specializing in breast surgery , " Julie Margintheller " , "We are in the early stages of this technology ," she said associate professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Washington , they intend to work more on the development and testing of this technique, because the potential benefits it really encouraging , the as she put it .

The doctor who had carried out the first surgery using these smart glasses , the amount of benefit to the quotient of the ability of these glasses make for surgeons Mstgnin you make additional surgical procedures to make sure not to leave any cancerous cells .

According to the researchers, these glasses can reduce the need for additional surgical procedures and the accompanying stress for patients , as well as the time and expense .

She drew doctor Margintheller to be about 20 to 25% of breast cancer patients who suffer from the presence of clumps of cancer must be removed , it requires them undergo surgery again , because of the techniques currently used , which does not help sufficiently to know the extent of the disease during the operation surgical first .

The new technique developed by a team of researchers led by Professor of Engineering in radiology and biomedical " Samuel Ocelifo " , integrates a dedicated imaging technique was able to see the particulars that accompany the tumor cells , and then give it a glowing colors to distinguish them from healthy cells .

It is noteworthy that in recent abounded techniques wearable , which are used in the field of health care , prompting a company specialized market studies to expect to sell more than 90 million smart device met to wear during the year 2014 , to be mostly directed to monitor user activity physical , and health.

Where will have smart devices wearable , such as watches, glasses and even clothes smart turnout severe during the year 2014 , where it will be this year's pivotal in determining the future of such devices , as confirmed by " Joshua Flood ," an analyst at the company , " API Research " ABI Research.

It should also be noted that these glasses Smart has been used for the first time on the same day in which the research team from the University of Tokyo , the disclosure of the first sensor organic flexible , which is usable for once, in the world - which can be placed inside the " diapers " to send alert messages wireless to a particular person , to teach him the need to replace it .

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