" Samsung " is preparing for the detection processor Exynos Infinity

Company is planning " Samsung " to detect processor " Aicznos Infinity " Exynos Infinity next week , during
the conference of Universal Mobile MWC 2014, to be held in the Spanish city of Barcelona .

And announced , " Samsung " its intention to disclose the new processor across a picture published account SamsungExynos @ 's company on the micro-blogging site " Twitter " , without addressing the company for any further details.

Earlier reports spoke of faith " Samsung " launch a 64-bit processor technology to support the next smart phone , " Galaxy S 5 " .

It is expected to reveal the " Samsung " on " Galaxy S 5 " in the twenty-fourth of this month , during UNPACKED event which will be held within the activities of MWC 2014.

It is noteworthy that the leaks earlier indicated an intention to " Samsung " put her next two versions , metal and plastic, to be supported version of metal from the machine processor " Aicznos " , 64- bit , while will provide version plastic processor " Snapdragon 805 " , which is an upgraded version for processor " Snapdragon 800 ," which provided " Samsung " by the apparatus " Galaxy Note 3 ."

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