Patented design reveals "Google" for a list of circular devices "Android"

Revealed a new patent for "Google" recently appeared on the Patent Office and the U.S. marks a new
design for a custom list is circular in shape for devices equipped with touch-screen.

These consist of existing sections, scalable to sub-sections, to give broad areas for the user to choose to run applications and options required, is likely to be "Google" designed this list to be used in the operating system, smart devices of her, "Android." 

And require the list to be activated to use two fingers at the same time, where they are installed finger first area selected by the user of the screen, then click on another area of ​​the screen, the distance between the fingers to be is a radius of the menu, which is a part of a circle, divided in turn into several sections. 

The user selects one of the existing sections of the second finger, with the first installed in the center of the menu, the show has sub-sections, which can choose to run an application, or activate a particular function. 

The idea that lists the circular new "Android", which is familiar to users of version CyanogenMod modified system "Android", also appeared in the third version of the web browser "Android" private with computers tablet, and in the camera application for the issuance of "Android 4.2", and when Air Command to use a feature in the phone "Galaxy Note 3." 

آلية عمل القائمة شبه الدائية كما ظهرت في براءة الاختراع
The mechanism of action of existing semi-Aldaúah also appeared in the patent


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