Researchers develop smart badges determine the suitability of foods and medicines

Researchers are from the University of Beijing in the Chinese capital on the development of a new technique
to make users indispensable inhaling odors fluid corrupt - bad breath - and rely on validated on the badge change color according to the extent of the authority .

At the badges "smart Tadz " Smart Tags that comes close to the size of the size of corn kernels , which are affixed to containers of foods or drugs , the ability to determine whether the food was rotten or drugs were usable.

The researcher says , " Zhao Zhang ," These badges that are similar in composition gels , characterized as a cheap and safe , it is also programmable widely to mimic almost all of the damage caused by high temperatures in foods .

It is noteworthy that despite providing most of the foods and medicines Blsaqh expiration date has been set , sometimes products may be susceptible to high temperatures lead to an unexpected upset them .

According to Zhang has been the development of smart badges to take into account the various changes that occur to the products , where the system of color-coding its own refers to varying degrees about the quality of food or medicine.

Red color or reddish orange means that the product is fresh , and with time, Zhang says that the badges change color to orange , then yellow , then green , which indicates that the food has become corrupt .

The idea of ​​these badges smart on the basis of its composition , consisting of metal material micro- and non-toxic change color according to their interaction with the length of time to grow the bacteria in food , explained Zhang " material gold Astkhaddmnha is red in color originally , which represents the first color from shades of colors badges . "

The University researchers have provided Baking Find your smart badges last Monday at the American Chemical Society , and the availability of these badges , the researchers said they are trying at the moment to reach Aqnaam manufacturers in order to adopt the new technology .


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