Researchers develop steering wheel of the car made ​​the feelings of the driver

A team of researchers in Switzerland, in collaboration with one of the car manufacturers to develop a
monitoring device to prove feelings on the steering wheel , is based on the analysis of facial expressions with the drivers in order to provide more safety .

According to tests carried out using a prototype of the technology that it is possible to have the idea of ​​promising applications , allowing new technology to read the expressions of the faces of the drivers and to identify the seven patterns of feelings , is fear , anger, joy, sadness, disgust , and Altfaja , and suspicion .

He says a team of researchers of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne , drivers , worried that perhaps they are more aggressive and less Akatratha others , and therefore the assessment of the mood may improve safety .

The researchers in collaboration with the company " Peugeot Citroen " stabilizing Camera Infrared car on a leash to monitor facial expressions .

But there is a problem faced researchers , which is to get the device distinguishes facial expressions accurately , as it crosses everyone on his condition is somewhat different , and simplify the job at this stage of the project, the researchers chose to track only two facial expressions , namely anger and contempt .

The new technique can be used to monitor the extent of driver fatigue by monitoring the rate of closure of the eyelid .

The researchers aim also to the possibility of updating the system for real-time monitoring of emotions , so get out self- learning machine , or an advanced algorithm to monitor facial expressions .

The technique to identify facial expressions are already used widely , particularly in the area of ​​the video game industry , but in the new project, researchers acknowledge that they face a challenge in making sure that this technique can be relied upon , and in the light of the reactions of human facial expressions can vary greatly.


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